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  • SexRoom


    Come to the edge, she said.
    No, I will fall.
    Come to the edge.
    No, it's too high.
    Come to the edge.
    I came
    she pushed
    and I flew 
    Esta performance nace de mi necesidad de investigar sobre la sexualidad. He elegido abordar la sexualidad desde un punto de vista personal e indagar a dos niveles: individual y en interacción con el espectador. En este viaje, buceando en mis límites, dudas e inquietudes, me he encontrado hasta ahora con estas preguntas: 
    • ¿Qué es lo que busco a través del sexo?
    • ¿Necesito a mi cuerpo para llegar al éxtasis?   
    • ¿Cuales son los límites que me impiden ir más allá?
    El formato Human Time Site Specific me permite investigar a través de una experimentación específica con el tiempo, con el espacio y con el público.
    Partiendo de mis inquietudes íntimas y de mi experiencia de vida, en un espacio no convencional y durante un tiempo de mínimo cinco horas seguidas, me doy la posibilidad de interactuar con tres espectadores a la vez facilitando un encuentro verdadero con cada uno de ellos y dando lugar a un juego donde los roles de emisor y receptor se invierten continuamente.

    Creación: Valentina Carlone
    Dirección: María Stoyanova
    Performer: Valentina Carlone
    Duración: Mínimo 5 horas seguidas
    Idioma: Español / Italiano / Inglés / Francés, dependiendo del idioma hablado por los espectadores.
  • SexRoom


    Come to the edge, she said.
    No, I will fall.
    Come to the edge.
    No, it's too high.
    Come to the edge.
    I came
    she pushed
    and I flew.
    This performance arises from my desire to explore sexuality. I have chosen to approach sexuality from a personal point of view and to investigate it on two levels: individual and through interaction with spectator. In this journey, while diving into my limits and doubts, I have found these questions:
    • What I'm looking for through sex?
    • Do I need my body to reach ecstacy?
    • What are the limitations that prevent me to go beyond?
    The  Human Time Site Specific format facilitates a very specific investigation with time, space and human being.

    Starting from my personal inquietudes, and from my life experience, in an unconventional space and during a large frame of time (min. 5 hours non stop), I interact with 3 spectators at time in order to facilitate a genuine encounter with every person.

    In this encounter, based on the principle of non-fiction, I abandon the concept of role-play and make-believe, revealing intimate aspects of myself, and sharing an action that’s truly happening in the here and now.

    Every encounter is a unique experience that generates very personal responses in the spectator.Performer and spectator are both receptive and responsive to one another in order to share openness and vulnerability; they become both creators and protagonists of a deeply experiential universe. 
    Concept /Creation: Valentina Carlone
    Direction: María Stoyanova
    Performer: Valentina Carlone
    Duration: Minimum 5 hours non stop
    Language: Spanish / Italian / English / French, depending on the language spoken by the spectators.